The duo of MiG Ayesa on vocals and keyboard, and Luke Dolahenty on guitar and backup vocals was fabulous. They're definitely a winning team, and have demonstrated an ability to deliver some awesome harmonies.
MiG getting ready for action - photo by Wanda

The set started with a MiG original, the thought-provoking One Sunset at a Time. The song captures listeners with a jazz flavor, and unforgettable lyrics and imagery that leave a deep and lasting impression. MiG followed it up with more originals, and then surprised the crowd with a tribute to Michael Jackson and a rendition of Human Nature. MiG revealed that Michael Jackson had been inspirational to him, and was a main reason he chose music as a career. In 2007, MiG had the opportunity to sing the songs of Michael Jackson when he performed in the UK in Thriller Live, the stage and video spectacular that celebrates Michael's illustrious musical career. MiG posted a video on his YouTube Channel as a tribute to MJ, which features MiG singing a beautiful version of She's Out of My Life during Thriller Live. You may also want to watch this rather fetching video MiG made in his hotel room while on tour for Thriller Live.
MiG continued the set with more of his creations, including To Whom It Must Concern. The catchy sound injected with angst is brilliant, and the words cut to the core. He followed it up with a rousing and rocking Nothin' You Do that sounds better than ever - check out the video of Nothin' You Do on the Team MiG YouTube Channel. You can listen to MiG's songs and read the lyrics at - enter the site and click on Audio. The link to lyrics is further down on the Audio page.
MiG looking sun-kissed and sensational during Philippine American Friendship Day - photo by Wanda

Entertaining the crowd at Exchange Place - photo by Wanda

According to reports from those in attendance, MiG was his usual charming self and made time for everyone. I expected nothing less - because that's the kind of man he is. You know someone is genuine when you can predict exactly how they'll behave in a certain situation. And you know how MiG affects others when he was asked to return to next year's event before he even left. MiG's next performance never comes quickly enough, because people miss him as soon as they turn to leave. Fortunately we have some superb original music from MiG to listen to as we await the next performance.
Keep the light shining and pass it on,
Team MiG Global
This blog is always such a joy to read! I feel like I was right there watching the show.
Another awesome blog! You amaze me at your ability to capture the emotion and feeling of the show just from the emotion in the voices of those of us who were there and witnessed the event live. You have quite a way with your words and I'm so proud to call you my friend. Looking forward to seeing you on August
6th. Keep up the great blogs.
Bravo on a wonderful blog! Great to have such wonderful material of such a talented artist to work with. It makes for a real treat for those of us not lucky enough to see it live. I cant' wait for the next one.
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