Aussies had numerous opportunities to see MiG excel during his early years in live gigs, theater, movies and television. After leaving Australia, MiG Ayesa became a household name in the U.K. after his starring role in We Will Rock You. He then won hearts and minds as a finalist in the CBS-TV show Rockstar: INXS, displaying a stunning ability to master both rock and ballads. MiG cemented his popularity with his debut album, "MiG" (Universal/Decca), and performances in the U.K., Asia Pacific, Australia and the U.S.
And then there was Burn the Floor on Broadway...MiG lit up the stage like a New Year's Eve fireworks display. Even those who have virtually worn out MiG's album, watched Rockstar: INXS, and have seen him at live gigs multiple times, were amazed by MiG in Burn the Floor. He has a way of raising the bar when you think the bar has reached maximum elevation.
When Aussies get reacquainted with MiG on stage, they'll see a new side of him. MiG has grown, even beyond the impressive talent people were accustomed to seeing. He's a true professional, and strives to deliver an outstanding performance, every night, every song. He succeeds.
Part of the growth comes from MiG directly...he has collaborated with proven artists and put in countless hours to enhance his skills. His voice is more consistent and controlled than before, yet packed with feeling. The feeling reveals the other aspect of growth. MiG has always been able to sing with expression because of his warm and caring nature, but now conveys even more feeling. He has found success in his career, yet has also experienced his share of broken promises and disappointments. MiG may not realize it, but some of that emotion and vulnerability comes through in his singing. It makes his performances even richer and more meaningful for audiences, and he connects with them on a whole new level.
MiG revealing more depth in his music

MiG has added polish and feeling to his performances, yet his magnetic personality has remained. He still has the fun sense of humor, the ready wit, and the warmth. Aussies will notice that quickly if they talk with him after a show. In spite of all the worldwide travel and bright lights, he's still grounded.
MiG's still fun, still grounded - photo by Mary Beth

For those lucky enough to get tickets for Burn the Floor, it will be a performance to remember. MiG will also put his talents on display in Hats Off! The History of Showstoppers and on the February 25 episode of So You Think You Can Dance Australia. Australia will recognize the familiar face, hear the familiar voice...yet see a whole new side of MiG that reaches more deeply and dazzles more brightly.
Keep the light shining and pass it on,
Team MiG Global