Saturday, March 28, 2009

MiG Ayesa: The Journey

MiG Ayesa's road to becoming a recording artist has been quite a journey...MiG has starred in Ben Elton and Queen's We Will Rock You in London and the Asia Pacific, been voted to the Top 3 of CBS-TV's reality show Rockstar: INXS, and performed on tour around the U.S. Other impressive legs of MiG's journey have included releasing a stellar first album (Universal/Decca), having his music video "She Loved" on MTV-Asia, and his original song, "Like a Child's First Step" played on the CBS daytime drama Guiding Light.

To some artists, the only acceptable journey is standing-room-only concert halls every night, and girls screaming their name as they emerge from a private jet. But is that what true success really means? No - a very loud, emphatic, and resounding no.

Sometimes an artist doesn't find himself on the expressway to stardom he mapped out for himself, but instead on the scenic route. It may seem like a colossal wrong turn that adds time to the trip, but in reality it's the perfect road. Instead of speeding along on a straight highway, and seeing nothing but the car ahead, the scenic route offers snow-capped mountain peaks, blankets of white sand beaches, and skies painted with dazzling sunsets.

Beauty lives on the scenic route, from the freedom to enjoy solitude without a bodyguard, to being able to look into the eyes of people you've touched with your kind nature and original music. There are artists who don't have the freedom to go where they want without being chased down by photographers, and who never get the chance to see and feel how they touch others. MiG has those chances. He has touched numerous lives by signing every autograph, talking to every person who has waited to see him after a show, and treating people with respect and warmth.

Signing an autograph

Relating to the audience - photo by Cammy

Because of those actions, the remarkable music MiG has created has had more of an impact. Music that comes from the heart has even more power to touch people and make a difference, but people have to know the heart first.

Many have come to know MiG's heart. That's why he has so many people behind him. They believe in MiG's talent, and they believe in MiG. And many truly love MiG for the person he is, not because he's been on TV, or his name has been in lights. Some artists will never experience that kind of passion and support - a driving, never-say-die attitude that will make MiG's successes even sweeter.

Putting his heart into a song at Eight Mile Creek in New York

The expressway and the scenic route both reach the same destination. The secret is to recognize all the beautiful views that are found on the journey. There will be bumps and roads paved with broken promises, but over every horizon another panoramic view awaits. Giving up is never an option, because the final destination may be just around the next bend in the road. When MiG reaches the destination he so deserves, many of the people he's shared his heart with along the way will be there celebrating with him.

Keep the light shining, and pass it on.

Team MiG

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MiG Ayesa: What We Need

When MiG Ayesa is rockin' and rollin', he makes hearts race and energy levels soar into the stratosphere. Audiences who saw MiG belt out the songs of Queen in We Will Rock You can attest to that fact, and throngs of viewers of CBS's Rockstar: INXS would agree MiG Ayesa commanded the stage in convincing style. There's a more mellow side of MiG too, and both styles have the spellbinding power to help you escape your cares and lose yourself in the music.

Sometimes losing yourself for a while is what you need most. Music can be soothing, it can lift you up and give you strength to face tomorrow. When an artist sings with passion and feels the words he's singing, the music can touch you, change you. The words and notes MiG Ayesa weaves together flow into the deepest and most empty parts of your soul, and refresh it like a spring rain. Even if in a small way, you're a better person after hearing it. It gives you hope, which you in turn will give others through your attitude and the choices you make. It reminds you that things are better than they seemed yesterday.

I went to see MiG perform at Eight Mile Creek in New York City several days ago, and was so touched by the person he is and by his performance. I've seen him on numerous occasions, and every time he seems more special. MiG has an incredible voice that is most impressive without the frills and masking of backup vocals or heavy instrumentals that many artists need. His voice stands on its own and captures you. MiG is genuine, a kind and loving person who deserves to be on a stage with millions watching every night. On this night MiG was in an intimate setting, and everyone in the full house was fortunate to experience it. He has a unique gift for connecting with people.

Music from the Soul

MiG Coaxing the Keys

The combination of MiG's unlimited talent, a giving heart and a great sense of humor made for an unforgettable night. It was also a pleasure to hear MiG sing with some other talented artists, including Luke, Gitano, Sara and Nate. I can't wait to go back to Eight Mile Creek for another Thursday night of MiG and friends, great food and an inviting ambiance (240 Mulberry St. in Soho - call ahead to make sure MiG will be there). Many thanks to Andrew and Luke for taking such good care of us.

MiG at the Mike

MiG took requests and sang favorites by Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel, the Beatles and more. They would've been impressed, because MiG is a professional, and he puts so much into every song he sings. Every song was fabulous. Yet the biggest treasures of the evening were MiG Ayesa originals. The consensus by reviewers and fans on MiG's first album was that the originals were outstanding. That hasn't changed. We need an album of MiG originals. Whether it was Blown Away, I'm On My Way, She Loved, or others, they were beautiful. I could hear them a hundred times, and it still wouldn't be enough. There's something about MiG giving you a glimpse into his soul through his own creations. You experience an indescribable connection, and feel something inside of you has changed.

Warm Smile, Warm Heart - photo by Mary Beth

A Man With Style

It would take a label with vision to recognize an artist who can transform people. Maybe it's hard to see because there are so few artists who can do it. Some labels want an easy buck and follow the same tired old formula...others may see things as they could be and invest their dollars and experience into becoming a label that discovered what others may not have seen. One thing we need in today's world is an artist with class and sincerity we can believe in, who has the ability to communicate a belief in tomorrow and a love in today through his music and his personality. The world is longing for it. Every day, more people are realizing that man is MiG Ayesa. He's unique, and he's relevant. Now we just have to shine a light on it so more people can feel it.

For more photos and recaps, visit the Team MiG Global Forum.

Keep the light shining and pass it on,

Team MiG