To some artists, the only acceptable journey is standing-room-only concert halls every night, and girls screaming their name as they emerge from a private jet. But is that what true success really means? No - a very loud, emphatic, and resounding no.
Sometimes an artist doesn't find himself on the expressway to stardom he mapped out for himself, but instead on the scenic route. It may seem like a colossal wrong turn that adds time to the trip, but in reality it's the perfect road. Instead of speeding along on a straight highway, and seeing nothing but the car ahead, the scenic route offers snow-capped mountain peaks, blankets of white sand beaches, and skies painted with dazzling sunsets.
Beauty lives on the scenic route, from the freedom to enjoy solitude without a bodyguard, to being able to look into the eyes of people you've touched with your kind nature and original music. There are artists who don't have the freedom to go where they want without being chased down by photographers, and who never get the chance to see and feel how they touch others. MiG has those chances. He has touched numerous lives by signing every autograph, talking to every person who has waited to see him after a show, and treating people with respect and warmth.
Signing an autograph

Relating to the audience - photo by Cammy

Because of those actions, the remarkable music MiG has created has had more of an impact. Music that comes from the heart has even more power to touch people and make a difference, but people have to know the heart first.
Many have come to know MiG's heart. That's why he has so many people behind him. They believe in MiG's talent, and they believe in MiG. And many truly love MiG for the person he is, not because he's been on TV, or his name has been in lights. Some artists will never experience that kind of passion and support - a driving, never-say-die attitude that will make MiG's successes even sweeter.
Putting his heart into a song at Eight Mile Creek in New York

The expressway and the scenic route both reach the same destination. The secret is to recognize all the beautiful views that are found on the journey. There will be bumps and roads paved with broken promises, but over every horizon another panoramic view awaits. Giving up is never an option, because the final destination may be just around the next bend in the road. When MiG reaches the destination he so deserves, many of the people he's shared his heart with along the way will be there celebrating with him.
Keep the light shining, and pass it on.
Team MiG
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